Programming with the IRAF CL: Documents

The following are a list of documents one will find useful when using IRAF and the CL. Most of the specific documents listed are available in the bins outside of the nemesis room, N409, or by request through the Help Desk. A mass copy of the two documents of immediate interest, the Beginner's Guide to Using IRAF and A User's Introduction to the IRAF Command Language, has been made specifically for the class to be given on February 29. These are available in N410, or in the bottom mail box slots located across from room S207.

Specific Documents


The CL itself is documented within the IRAF online HELP, through the use of the help command. The following are a list of help topics useful in getting informaiton about the CL. For any of the topics listed, just type "help topic".

News groups

There are a number of newgroups available for the discussion of IRAF-related issues.

General Sources