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class pywcs.UnitConverter

Creates an object for performing conversion from one system of units to another.

  • have string: FITS unit specification to convert from, with or without surrounding square brackets (for inline specifications); text following the closing bracket is ignored.

  • want string: FITS unit specification to convert to, with or without surrounding square brackets (for inline specifications); text following the closing bracket is ignored.

  • ctrl string (optional): Do potentially unsafe translations of non-standard unit strings.

    Although "S" is commonly used to represent seconds, its recognizes "S" formally as Siemens, however rarely that may be translation to "s" is potentially unsafe since the standard used. The same applies to "H" for hours (Henry), and "D" for days (Debye).

    This string controls what to do in such cases, and is case-insensitive.

    • If the string contains "s", translate "S" to "s".
    • If the string contains "h", translate "H" to "h".
    • If the string contains "d", translate "D" to "d".

    Thus '' doesn’t do any unsafe translations, whereas 'shd' does all of them.

    See FITS unit specification for more information.

Use the returned object’s convert method to convert values from have to want.

This function is permissive in accepting whitespace in all contexts in a units specification where it does not create ambiguity (e.g. not between a metric prefix and a basic unit string), including in strings like "log (m ** 2)" which is formally disallowed.


  • ValueError: Invalid numeric multiplier.
  • SyntaxError: Dangling binary operator.
  • SyntaxError: Invalid symbol in INITIAL context.
  • SyntaxError: Function in invalid context.
  • SyntaxError: Invalid symbol in EXPON context.
  • SyntaxError: Unbalanced bracket.
  • SyntaxError: Unbalanced parenthesis.
  • SyntaxError: Consecutive binary operators.
  • SyntaxError: Internal parser error.
  • SyntaxError: Non-conformant unit specifications.
  • SyntaxError: Non-conformant functions.
  • ValueError: Potentially unsafe translation.

Perform the unit conversion on the elements of the given array, returning an array of the same shape.


The name of the unit being converted from.

This value always uses standard unit names, even if the UnitConverter was initialized with a non-standard unit name.



The offset of the unit conversion.



The exponent of the unit conversion.



The scaling factor for the unit conversion.


The name of the unit being converted to.

This value always uses standard unit names, even if the UnitConverter was initialized with a non-standard unit name.

FITS unit specification

Supported units

The following units are supported by the FITS standard:

SI base & supplementary units

Quantity Unit String Meaning
length m metre
mass kg kilogram
time s second of time
plane angle rad radian
solid angle sr steradian
temperature K kelvin
electric current A ampere
amount of substance mol mole
luminous intensity cd candela

IAU-recognized derived units

Quantity Unit String Meaning Equivalence
frequency Hz hertz s-1
energy J joule N m
power W watt J s-1
electric potential V volts J C-1
force N newton kg m s-2
pressure, stress Pa pascal N m-2
electric charge C coulomb A s
electric resistance ohm ohm (Ω) V A-1
electric conductance S siemens A V-1
electric capacitance F farad C V-1
magnetic flux Wb weber V s
magnetic flux density T tesla Wb m-2
inductance H henry Wb A-1
luminous flux lm lumen cd sr
illuminance lx lux lm m-2

Additional units

Quantity Unit String Meaning Equivalence
mass u unified atomic mass unit 1.6605387 x 10-27 kg
mass solMass solar mass 1.9891 x 1030 kg
plane angle deg degree of arc 1.745533 x 10-2 rad
plane angle arcsec second of arc 4.848137 x 10-6 rad
plane angle arcmin minute of arc 2.90888 x 10-4 rad
time min minute  
time h hour  
time d day 8.64 x 104 s
time yr year (Julian) 3.15576 x10-7 s (365.25 d)
energy eV electron volt 1.602177 x 10-19 J
energy erg erg 10-7 J
energy Ry Rydberg 13.605692 eV
length angstrom angstrom 10-10 m
length AU astronomical unit 1.49598 x 1011 m
length lyr light year 9.460530 x 10-15 m
length pc parsec 3.0857 x 10-16 m
length solRad solar radius 6.9599 x 108 m
events count counts  
events photon photons  
flux density Jy jansky 10-16 W m-2 Hz-1
flux density mag (stellar) magnitude  
flux density Crab ‘crab’  
flux density beam beam Jy/beam
flux density solLum solar luminosity  
magnetic field G gauss 10-4 T
area pixel (image/detector) pixel  
area voxel 3-d analog of pixel  
area barn barn 10-28 m2
device chan (detector) channel  
device byte (computer) byte  
device bit (computer) bits  
device adu A/D converter units  
misc bin numerous applications  
misc Sun wrt. sun  

Potentially unsafe translations of "D", "H", and "S", are optional, using the translate_units parameter.

Unit aliases

When converting non-standard units to standard ones, a case-sensitive match is required for the aliases listed below, in particular the only recognized aliases with metric prefixes are "KM", "KHZ", "MHZ", and "GHZ".

Unit Recognized aliases
Angstrom angstrom
arcmin arcmins, ARCMIN, ARCMINS
arcsec arcsecs, ARCSEC, ARCSECS
beam BEAM
byte Byte
count ct
d day, days, (D), DAY, DAYS
deg degree, degrees, DEG, DEGREE, DEGREES
h hr, (H), HR
Hz hz, HZ
K kelvin, kelvins, Kelvin, Kelvins, KELVIN, KELVINS
km KM
m metre, meter, metres, meters, M, METRE, METER, METRES, METERS
min MIN
Ohm ohm
Pa pascal, pascals, Pascal, Pascals, PASCAL, PASCALS
photon ph
pixel pixels, PIXEL, PIXELS, pix
rad radian, radians, RAD, RADIAN, RADIANS
s sec, second, seconds, (S), SEC, SECOND, SECONDS
V volt, volts, Volt, Volts, VOLT, VOLTS
yr year, years, YR, YEAR, YEARS

The aliases "angstrom", "ohm", and "Byte" for (Angstrom, Ohm, and byte) are recognized by pywcs/wcslib itself as an unofficial extension of the standard, but they are converted to the standard form here.


The following metric prefixes are supported:

Prefix String Magnitude
yocto y 10-24
zepto z 10-21
atto a 10-18
femto f 10-15
pico p 10-12
nano n 10-9
micro u 10-6
milli m 10-3
centi c 10-2
deci d 10-1
deka da 101
hecto h 102
kilo k 103
Mega M 106
Giga G 109
Tera T 1012
Peta P 1015
Exa E 1018
Zetta Z 1021
Yotta Y 1024

Table 6 of WCS Paper I lists eleven units for which metric prefixes are allowed. However, in this implementation only prefixes greater than unity are allowed for "a" (annum), "yr" (year), "pc" (parsec), "bit", and "byte", and only prefixes less than unity are allowed for "mag" (stellar magnitude).

Metric prefix "P" (peta) is specifically forbidden for "a" (annum) to avoid confusion with "Pa" (Pascal, not peta-annum). Note that metric prefixes are specifically disallowed for "h" (hour) and "d" (day) so that "ph" (photons) cannot be interpreted as pico-hours, nor "cd" (candela) as centi-days.


A compound unit is considered to be formed by a series of sub-strings of component units & mathematical operations. Each of these sub-strings must be separated by at least one space or a mathematical operator (* or /).


Multiplicative units can be specified either:

  • by simply using one or more preceding spaces, e.g. str1 str2 (The recommended method).
  • by the use of a single asterisk (*) with optional whitespace, e.g. str1 * str2.


Units which form the denominator of a compound expression can be specified either:

  • by using a slash (/) with optional whitespace, e.g. str1 / str2. If such a syntax is used, it is recommended that no space is included between the slash and the unit string.
  • by raising a multiplicative unit to a negative power (see below).

It should be stressed that the slash character only effects the sub-string it immediately precedes. Thus, unless brackets are used, subsequent sub-strings which also form part of the denominator of the compound expression must also be preceded by a slash. For example, str1 /str2 str3 is equivalent to str1 str3 /str2 whilst str1 /str2 /str3 is equivalent to str1 /(str2 * str3).

Raising to Powers

A unit string raised to the power y is specified:

  • by using two asterisks (**) followed by the index enclosed within round brackets and with no preceding or intervening spaces, e.g. str1**(y) or str1**(-y).

However, if y is positive, then the brackets need not be included, but a following space is recommended if additional sub-strings follow.

Use of brackets

Any number of pairs of round brackets (()) may be used within the string for a compound unit in order to prevent ambiguities. As described within this section, a number of rules always/often require their use. However, it is suggested that conservative use is made of such pairs of brackets in order to minimize the total length of compound strings. (It should be remembered that a maximum of 68 characters are allowed in the card image of keywords.)

Avoidance of underflows & overflows

The inclusion of numerical factors within the unit string should generally be avoided (by the use of multiples and/or submultiples of component basic units).

However, occasionally it may be preferable to include such factors on the grounds of user-friendliness and/or to minimize the risk of computer under- or overflows. In such cases, the numerical factor can simply be considered a basic unit string.

The following additional guidelines are suggested:

  • the numerical factor should precede any unit strings
  • only powers of 10 are used as numerical factors

Mathematical Operations & Functions

A number of mathematical operations are supported. It should be noted that the (round) brackets are mandatory in all cases in which they are included in the table.

String Meaning
str1*str2 Multiplication
str1 /str2 Division
str1**(y) Raised to the power y
log(str1) Common Logarithm (to base 10)
ln(str1) Natural Logarithm
exp(str1) Exponential (expstr1)
sqrt(str1) Square root
sin(str1) Sine
cos(str1) Cosine
tan(str1) Tangent
asin(str1) Arc Sine
acos(str1) Arc Cosine
atan(str1) Arc Tangent
sinh(str1) Hyperbolic Sine
cosh(str1) Hyperbolic Cosine
tanh(str1) Hyperbolic Tangent

Function types log(), ln() and exp() may only occur at the start of the units specification.