
STSDAS Documentation

STSDAS Users Guide. General information about STSDAS, tasks, packages, data formats, etc.

IGI Reference Manual. Detailed information and examples explaining how to use the Interactive Graphics Interpreter.

Synphot Users Guide. Detailed information and examples explaining how to do synthetic photometry.

STSDAS Calibration Guide. Detailed descriptions of how to calibrate data from the HST. This will be replaced in early 1994 by the HST Data Handbook.

STScI Site Guide for IRAF and STSDAS. Contains site-specific information on available devices, IRAF installation, etc.

STSDAS Site Manager's Installation Guide and Reference. Instructions for retrieving and installing STSDAS.

Interface Control Document 19--PODPS to SDAS. Defines all STSDAS data structures except for the Fine Guidance Sensors.

Interface Control Document 46--AEDP to PODPS. Defines the structure of the astrometry data files from the Fine Guidance Sensors.

Interface Control Document 47--PODPS to CDBS. Defines the structure of all CDBS reference data files.

Calibration Data Base Data Design. Describes the structure of all CDBS data base relations.

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