STSDAS: Space Telescope
Science Data Analysis System

STSDAS v2.0.1

The primary changes incorporated in this patch release are:

  • Changes needed to support platforms now supported by IRAF 2.11.1 (i.e., Digital Unix, HP/UX, and PC-IRAF).
  • Updated STIS and NICMOS packages incorporating the latest versions of the calibration pipelines.
  • The addition of the DITHER package which uses the 'DRIZZLE' algorithm to combine dithered observations.
  • Addition of the slitless package to the contrib package.
  • WFPC2 and NICMOS TinyTim PSFs have been added to the scidata$ directory. These are useful for running the synphot$simulators/simimg task.

    As well as various bug fixes and enhancements to existing tasks.

    Details of STSDAS v2.0.1 changes

    Users are warned that packages in the contrib package may not work properly under IRAF 2.11.1. Since we do not support these packages, we must await updates from the authors. These will be included in the next release when available.

    We would like to thank the NOAO IRAF group in general and Mike Fitzpatrick in particular for their invaluable assistance in testing this release and suggesting fixes and workarounds to get this release to work on all the IRAF 2.11.1 supported platforms.


    Packages or tasks that have seen significant changes include:

    analysis.dither (new)
    contrib.slitless (new)
    hst_calib.fos.bspec (new)
                 .countspec (new)
    toobox.imgtools.step (new)
                   .unstep (new)
    Packages or tasks that have had minor enhancements or bug fixes include:
    Parameter files that have changed (new parameters or new default values
    excluding changes to version or related parameters, or changes to
    parameter comments).
    analysis.fitting/controlpars.par	- added 'method', 'maxit' default
    		/errorpars.par		- 'errors' removed,'resample' added.  
            .isophot/controlpar.par		- 'olthresh' added.	
                    /geom.par		- 'maxsma' default changed.
                    /samplepar.par		- 'sclip' replaced with 'usclip' and
    contrib.acoadd.plucy			- many changes.
    hst_calib.ctools.ckwstis2		- 'wbiafile' added.
             .nicmos/calnica.par		- 'crthresh' & 'zsthresh' added
             .paperprod/pplist.par		- 'imtypelist' & 'selector' added,
    					  'fits' removed. 
                       /pr_parts.par	- new file.
                       /t_opedigree.par	- many changes.
                       /*obsum.par		- change to 'fits' default.
                       /*image.par		- change to 'fits' default, 'calprt'
    					  added to xpp_image.par.
             .synphot.simulators.simimg.par - 'noise' added.
                                /simspec.par- 'noise' added.
    					- 'bit*' changes to defaults.
    					- many changes.