STSDAS: Space Telescope
Science Data Analysis System

STSDAS v2.0.2

The primary changes incorporated in this patch release are:

  • 1) Changes needed to support platforms now supported by IRAF 2.11.1 since the last STSDAS/TABLES release (i.e., SGI IRIX and IBM AIX).
  • 2) Major enhancements to CALNIC and CALSTIS, and new STIS script tasks added for fringe flat calibration and generation of up-to-date dark correction files (to include newest hot pixels).
  • 3) Changes to polarimetry calibration in CALFOS.
  • 4) Updated contrib package GAUSSFIT.
    There was a serious bug discovered in how gcombine performs weighted
    pixel-wise averages. Unfortunately the fix was finished to late to
    include with the release. We will be making a patch for the gcombine
    package available soon (source and binaries) which should allow users
    to update the package immediately after they install the new release
    of STSDAS.
    The detailed release notes may be found in: 

    STSDAS v2.0.2 full release notes


    Packages or tasks that have seen significant changes include:

    Packages or tasks that have had minor enhancements or bug fixes include:
    Parameter files that have changed (new parameters or new default values
    excluding changes to version or related parameters, or changes to
    parameter comments).
    analysis.dither/cdriz.par		- 'rotation' added
            .fitting/function.par		- 'row' default changed.
    		/nfit1d.par		- 'row' default changed.
    		/ngaussfit		- 'row' default changed.
    hst_calib.ctools/ckwfos.par		- added 'pcphfile'
    		/ckwnicmos.par		- added 'zsigcorr'
    		/ckwstis1.par		- added 'expscorr','apertab'
    		/ckwstis2.par		- added 'expscorr','wavecal','pctab'
    		/ckwstis3.par		- added 'apertab'
    		/ckwstis4.par		- added 'doppcorr','wavecal','mofftab',
    					- added 'grot','zread', 
    					  'back' removed
    	 .paperprod/t_opedigree.par	- added 'pctab','wbiafile'
    	 .stis/echscript.par		- added 'viewonly'
    toolbox.imgtools.mstools/nicdqpar.par	- added 'grot','zread', 
    					  'back' removed