STSDAS: Space Telescope
Science Data Analysis System

Tables v2.0.1

The primary changes incorporated in this patch release are:

  • Changes needed to support platforms now supported by IRAF 2.11.1 (i.e., Digital Unix, HP/UX, and PC-IRAF).
  • Changes to the table selectors library.
  • Enhancements to IGI, STFOV, and SIAPER.
  • Changes to the TAEXTRACT, TAINSERT, and TLINEAR tasks in ttools.
  • Changes to STRFITS, STWFITS, and CATFITS.

    The details of the changes may be found in Details of Tables v2.0.1 changes

    We would like to thank the NOAO IRAF group in general and Mike Fitzpatrick in particular for their invaluable assistance in testing this release and suggesting fixes and workarounds to get this release to work on all the IRAF 2.11.1 supported platforms.

    Packages or tasks that have seen changes include:
    Parameter files that have changed (new parameters or new default values,
    excluding changes in version default)
    ttools/taextract.par			- 'outcolumn','datatype','colunits',
    					  'colfmt' added.
          /tainsert.par			- 'outcolumn','size','datatype',
    					  'colunits','colfmt' added.