STSDAS: Space Telescope
Science Data Analysis System

Tables v2.0.2

The primary changes incorporated in this patch release are:

  • Changes needed to support platforms now supported by IRAF 2.11.1 since the last STSDAS/TABLES release (i.e., SGI IRIX and IBM AIX)
  • Incorporation of powerful row and column selector syntax into TABLES I/O interface. It is now possible to include as part of a table name in any task accessing tables a specification of which rows and columns are to be selected from the table. To the task, the table it opens will only consist of those rows and columns. The selector syntax allows the selection of rows based on values of specified columns for that row. For example, one can select all rows of a source spectrum by specifying that the task only select rows where the flux is between two specified values. Type 'help selectors' in the tables package for details on how to use row and column selectors.
  • Numerous changes to ttools tasks.

    The detailed release notes may be found in:

    Details of Tables v2.0.2 release


    Packages or tasks that have seen changes include:
    Parameter files that have changed (new parameters or new default values,
    excluding changes in version default)
    fitsio/tprint.par			- 'pwidth' default changed.
    					  'orig_row' added.
          /trebin.par			- 'function' default interp function