STSDAS v2.1 Summary and Full release notes.

STSDAS v2.1 Summary and Full release notes

STSDAS v2.1 Summary Release Notes

The primary changes incorporated in this release are:

1) C tasks (CALNIC, CALSTIS, MSTOOLS, etc.) now trap exceptions
   properly. Users can now reliably terminate the tasks with Control-c
2) Several new NICMOS tasks for use in analysis including a number
   to help in removing the pedestal effect.
3) New versions of CALNICA & CALNICB.
4) A new version of CALSTIS.
5) Two new STIS tasks, OVAC2AIR (conversion of 1-D extracted spectra
   wavelengths from vacuum to air) and SDQFLAGS (a tool to help identify
   what flag values to include in masking out bad data).
6) A number of changes to STIS utility scripts.
7) New IGI and SYNPHOT manuals.
8) SYNPHOT now supports using FITS tables and has added a new 
   parameterized throughput type so that much smaller tables can be
   used to represent ramp filters.
9) A revised UPREFFILE task.
10) Revised CVOS and HSTIO libraries.


Y2K Status

We have searched all STSDAS/TABLES source code for possible Y2K 
problems by  searching for strings like 1900, year, date). The
problems uncovered by that search only found problems with tasks
that we consider to be obsolete (certain FOC utilities) or paper
product scripts that will have problems with FOS or GHRS data
reprocessed after 2000. Calibration pipelines have been regression
tested on a date-advanced system and we are aware of no problems
in that regard. Further testing was performed with tasks that
potentially had date sensitivities on a date-advanced system.
Only one problem was found (with a fitting package task) and
that has been corrected. The above precautions cannot rule out
all possibilities of Y2K problems but we believe that we have
taken reasonable precautions against such problems.


A number of tasks and packages have been moved to sobsolete:

                            Obsolete Tasks
       | V2.0 PACKAGE.task            | Replaced by        | Notes |
       | analysis.fitting.convert     |                    |   1   |
       | analysis.fourier.bracewell   |                    |   1   |
       | analysis.fourier.ftplot      |                    |   1   |
       | analysis.fourier.mkfunc      |                    |   1   |
       | analysis.fourier.testfunc    |                    |   1   |
       | analysis.isophote.elapert    |                    |   1   |
       | analysis.timeseries          |                    |   1   |
       | graphics.sdisplay.dsimg      |                    |   1   |
       | graphics.sdisplay.rastoim    |                    |   1   |
       | graphics.sdisplay.scmapc     |                    |   4   |
       | graphics.sdisplay.saodump    |                    |   4   |
       | graphics.sdisplay.rashead    |                    |   1   |
       | hst_calib.foc.foccs          |                    |   1   |
       | hst_calib.foc.focgeom        |                    |   1   |
       | hst_calib.foc.focphot        |                    |   1   |
       | hst_calib.foc.focutility     |                    |   1   |
       | hst_calib.fos.fixdiodes      |                    |   2   |
       | hst_calib.fos.tarestore      |                    |   2   |
       | hst_calib.fos.modeone        |                    |   2   |
       | hst_calib.fos.y_calib        |                    |   1   |
       | hst_calib.hrs.z_calib        |                    |   1   |
       | hst_calib.hsp                |                    |   1   |
       | hst_calib.synphot.grafplot   |                    |   1   |
       | playpen.newredshift          |                    |   1   |
       | playpen.registration         | IMAGES.immatch +   |   3   |
       |                              | IMAGES.imgeom      |       |
       | playpen.tchtype              | TABLES.tcopy       |       |
       | toolbox.convfile.mvrefer     |                    |   1   |
       | toolbox.convfile.networking  |                    |   1   |
       | toolbox.headers.chgkeywrd    | IMUTIL.hedit       |       |
       | toolbox.headers.imagree      | IMUTIL.hedit       |       |
       | toolbox.headers.imkeyname    | TABLES.parkey +    |       |
       |                              | SYSTEM.rename      |       |
       | toolbox.imgtools.copymask    |                    |   1   |
       | toolbox.imgtools.imverify    |                    |   1   |
       | toolbox.imgtools.step        |                    |   1   |
       | toolbox.imgtools.unstep      |                    |   1   |
       | toolbox.testdata             |                    |   1   |
       |          |                    |   1   |


1) These tasks have been deemed no longer useful or necessary.
2) These tasks have been broken for many years and consequently 
   they have been hidden from use. 
3) Tasks in immatch correctly conserve flux in the registration of the 
4) These tasks were used to send images to the CELCO film recorder.  This
   machine has since been retired, and the tasks are of limited use to
   users otherwise.


Packages or tasks that have seen significant changes include: 


Packages or tasks that have had minor enhancements or bug fixes include:

        .isophot ellipse
Parameter files that have changed (new parameters or new default values
excluding changes to version or related parameters, or changes to
parameter comments).

analysis.gasp/sgscind.par               - 'cdrom_north' default changed.
                                        - 'cdrom_south' default changed.
graphics.stdplot/pltpar.par             - 'errtype' removed.
hst_calib.ctools/ckwnicmos.par          - added 'barscorr'
                /ckwstis2.par           - removed 'wavecal'
                /ckwstis4.par           - removed 'wavecal'
                /poffsets.par           - 'usecorr' default changed.
                /specalign.par          - 'resamp_func' default changed.
                                        - 'niter' default changed.
         .nicmos.calnica/calnica.par    - added 'barthresh'
                                        - added 'samprej'
                .nlincorr/dqpar.par     - removed 'back'
                                        - added 'grot'
                                        - added 'zread'
         .stis/odelaytime.par           - 'earth_ephem' default changed.
         .synphot.simulators/simcatp.par- 'psfcat' default changed.
toolbox.headers/upreffile.par           - removed 'template'
                                        - removed 'addkey'
                                        - added 'source'

STSDAS v2.1 Full Release Notes