STSDAS: Space Telescope
Science Data Analysis System
Tables v2.0.1 Release Notes

Tables v2.0.1 Release Notes


STWFITS has been updated to write dates in the new format, which has a
four digit year. There is a check in STWFITS so that it will not start
writing the new date format until January 1, 1999.

STRFITS Bug fixes to make it more robust against nonstandard FITS files, to
better handle filename collisions, and to fix a problem when imtype=fits.

Now does not print warning message if extra padding bytes at end of file
are blank ("unexpected data at the end of file"). Problems printing
the EXTNAME were discovered when the keyword FILENAME appeared in
the extension header, this has been fixed.



Added two new features to ZSECTION: PIXEL which sets the number of pixels
to use for either block averaging the image or block summing the image on
the fly. A negative value sums while a positive one averages. ROTATION,
with allowable values of 90 or -90 results in rotation of the image 
90 or -90 degrees.


Updated apertures files to include STIS and NICMOS apertures.


Task now allows multiple apertures to be overlaid.



New parameters were added to the TAEXTRACT and TAINSERT tasks in TTOOLS.
When creating the output column, the default is to use the same data type,
units, and print format as the input column, and for TAINSERT to set the
array size to the number of rows in the input table.  The new task
parameters give the user the option to change these characteristics,
unless the output column already exists.



Extensive changes were made to the row selector code to support the
new table row selector. This selector removes row number
subexpressions from the expression passed to the row selector and
evaluates them separately. Results are stored in a new structure
within the pseudo code structure called a row set. When evaluating a
row, the row selector first checks to see if they are in the set and
only evaluates the expression if they are. A new function, trsrows,
goes further and evaluates the row expression over the entire table,
storing the results in a set. The set can be accessed and manipulated
using the new functions in rst.x.