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ACS Pixel CTE Correction

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This task has been written to remove the bias stripe pattern imposed on post-SM4 full frame ACS/WFC images.

acs_destripe - try to clean out horizontal stripes and crosstalk from ACS WFC post-SM4 data.

acstools.acs_destripe.clean(input, suffix, clobber=False, maxiter=15, sigrej=2.0)

Version 0.2.1

This program tries to clean out horizontal stripes and crosstalk signatures found in ACS/WFC post-SM4 data.

It is assumed that the data is an ACS/WFC FLT image - with two SCI extensions. The program needs access to the flatfield specified in the image header PFLTFILE.

Author :

Norman Grogin, STScI, June 2010.

Parameters :

input: str or list of str :

The name of a single FLT image, or list of FLT images using either wild-cards (*flt.fits) or an IRAF-style at-list (@filename).

output: str :

The string to use to add to each input file name to indicate an output product. This string will be appended to the _flt suffix in each input file’s name to create the new output filename. For example, setting ‘output=csck’ will result in output images with suffixes of ‘_flt_csck.fits’.

clobber: bool :

Specify whether or not to ‘clobber’ (delete then replace) previously generated products with the same names.

maxiter: int :

This parameter controls the maximum number of iterations to perform when computing the statistics used to compute the row-by-row corrections.

sigrej: float :

This parameters sets the sigma level for the rejection applied during each iteration of statistics computations for the row-by-row corrections.


If PFLTFILE has the value “N/A”, as is the case with biases and darks, then the program assumes a unity flatfield.

This program also expects an _flt.fits file as input, NOT a _raw.fits file.


  1. To run this task from within Python:

    >>> from acstools import acs_destripe
    >>> acs_destripe.clean('uncorrected_flt.fits','csck', clobber=False, maxiter=15, sigrej=2.0)


make sure the acstools package is on your Python path

  1. To run this task using the TEAL GUI to set the parameters under PyRAF:

    >>> import acstools
    >>> epar acs_destripe  # or `teal acs_destripe`
  2. To run this task from the operating system command line:

    % ./acs_destripe [-h][-c] uncorrected_flt.fits uncorrected_flt_csck.fits [15 [2.0]]


make sure the file is on your executable path

acstools.acs_destripe.clean_streak(image1, invflat1, err1, image2, invflat2, err2, maxiter=15, sigrej=2.0)
acstools.acs_destripe.djs_iterstat(InputArr, SigRej=3.0, MaxIter=10, Mask=0, Max='', Min='', RejVal='')
acstools.acs_destripe.perform_correction(image, output, maxiter=15, sigrej=2.0)

TEAL interface for running this code.