.. _processinput: ********************* Step 1: Process Input ********************* This module supports the interpretation and initial verification of all the input files specified by the user. These functions: * reads in parameter values from MDRIZTAB reference file and merges those merges those values in with the rest of the parameters from the GUI/configObj, if use of MDRIZTAB was specified * insure that all input files are multi-extension FITS files and converts them if they are not * updates all input WCS's to be consistent with IDCTAB, if specified * generates the ImageObject instances for each input file * resets the DQ bits if specified by the user * adds info about any user-provided IVM files to the ImageObjects * generates the output WCS based on user inputs .. automodule:: drizzlepac.processInput :members: :undoc-members: ResetBits Update of Input ========================= This module provides the capability to set a specific set of bit values in the input DQ arrays to zero. This allows a user to reset pixels previously erroneously flagged as cosmic-rays to good for reprocessing with improved alignment or detection parameters. .. automodule:: drizzlepac.resetbits :members: