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ACS ImageObjects

class drizzlepac.acsData.ACSInputImage(filename=None, group=None)

Bases: drizzlepac.imageObject.imageObject


Return the dark current for the ACS detector. This value will be contained within an instrument specific keyword. The value in the image header will be converted to units of electrons.

Returns :

darkcurrent: float :

Dark current value for the ACS detector in units of electrons.

class drizzlepac.acsData.WFCInputImage(filename=None, group=None)

Bases: drizzlepac.acsData.ACSInputImage


This method overrides the superclass to set default values into the parameter dictionary, in case empty entries are provided.

This method gets called from processInput.

class drizzlepac.acsData.HRCInputImage(filename=None, group=None)

Bases: drizzlepac.acsData.ACSInputImage


This method overrides the superclass to set default values into the parameter dictionary, in case empty entries are provided.

This method gets called from processInput.

class drizzlepac.acsData.SBCInputImage(filename=None, group=None)

Bases: drizzlepac.acsData.ACSInputImage


Sets the instrument parameters.