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WFC3 ImageObjects

class drizzlepac.wfc3Data.WFC3InputImage(filename=None, group=None)

Bases: drizzlepac.imageObject.imageObject

class drizzlepac.wfc3Data.WFC3UVISInputImage(filename=None, group=None)

Bases: drizzlepac.wfc3Data.WFC3InputImage


Return the dark current for the WFC3 UVIS detector. This value will be contained within an instrument specific keyword.

Returns :

darkcurrent: float :

The dark current value with units of electrons.


This method overrides the superclass to set default values into the parameter dictionary, in case empty entries are provided.

class drizzlepac.wfc3Data.WFC3IRInputImage(filename=None, group=None)

Bases: drizzlepac.wfc3Data.WFC3InputImage


WF3 IR data come out in electrons, and I imagine the photometry keywords will be calculated as such, so no image manipulation needs be done between native and electrons


Return the dark current for the WFC3/IR detector. This value will be contained within an instrument specific keyword.

Returns :

darkcurrent: float :

The dark current value in units of electrons.


Return an array representing the dark image for the detector.

Returns :

dark: array :

Dark image array in the same shape as the input image with units of cps


Return an array representing the exposure time per pixel for the detector.

Returns :

dark: array :

Exposure time array in the same shape as the input image


This method overrides the superclass to set default values into the parameter dictionary, in case empty entries are provided.