Entry 16



  • Jan-Pieter Paadekooper

About 600 million years after the Big Bang the last major phase transition in the universe took place, in which the neutral hydrogen gas that existed between galaxies was transformed into the hot, ionized plasma it is today. The sources responsible for the ionizing photons that caused this so-called epoch of reionization are still uncertain, but more and more evidence points towards stars in galaxies. However, the contribution of galaxies depends critically on the fraction of the ionizing photons produced by the stars that make it out of the galaxies, the escape fraction. Both observations and numerical simulations have shown that escape fractions are generally very low, thus casting doubt whether galaxies can reionize the universe at all.

Our visualisation shows why it is so hard for ionizing photons to escape their host galaxies. We have performed numerical simulations of a large sample of proto-galaxies that formed during the epoch of reionization and post-processed these with detailed radiative transfer simulations to determine the escape fraction. This figure shows on the y-axis the fraction of ionizing photons produced by the stars that reach the outskirts of the galaxies. On the x-axis is the spherically averaged gas column density close to the stellar populations in the galaxy, a direct measure of the number of absorptions in the birth cloud of the stars. The solid line represents the mean in different column density bins, while the colours represent the 1D histogram in the same bin. The histogram on top shows the number of haloes in every bin, grey for all galaxies and red for galaxies with at least a stellar population that is younger than 5 million years old. Different columns depict different times in the evolution of the universe (as measured by the redshift z).

The top row of this figure shows that in all galaxies a high column density around the stars results in a low escape fraction. However, there is a sudden rise in escape fraction at intermediate column densities that can only be explained by splitting the data into two populations: galaxies hosting stellar populations that formed less than 5 million years ago (middle row) and those that do not (bottom row). Young stars produce the majority of ionizing photons over the lifetime of a stellar population. Hence, they are able to penetrate larger column densities. After 5 million years, when the ionizing photon production declines substantially, a similar column density means a smaller escape fraction.

This figure explains the circumstances under which galaxies are efficient sources of reionization: a recent burst of star formation in a low-mass proto-galaxy that does not contain enough gas to absorb all the ionizing photons that are produced. This so far over-looked population of galaxies is ubiquitous in the early universe and therefore the most likely source of reionization.

The visualisation was done with the help of the astropy package to read in and process the data and the seaborn package to customise the plots.



import sys
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot
from matplotlib.ticker import ScalarFormatter, FormatStrFormatter, MaxNLocator, MultipleLocator
from matplotlib.collections import Collection
from matplotlib.artist import allow_rasterization
from matplotlib import cm
from matplotlib.colors import ListedColormap

import seaborn as sns

from astropy.table import Table

import argparse

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='Plots escape fraction as function of '
                                              'average column density around the sources '
                                              'in panels of 4 different redshifts\n'
                                              'with 3 rows indicating different source ages', \
                                  formatter_class = argparse.RawTextHelpFormatter )

parser.add_argument( '--filename',
                     help='filename of the plot, including extension \n',

args = parser.parse_args()

    Empty class to be filled with the plot options
class PlotOptions:
options = PlotOptions()

options.redshifts        = np.array([15.,12.,9.,6.])  #redshifts to plot
options.redshiftStrings  = np.array([r'$z=15.2$',r'$z=11.9$',r'$z=8.9$' ,r'$z=6$' ]) #redshifts to plot
options.nBins            = 20                         #number of bins on x-axis for mean 
options.nBinsHist        = 20                         #number of bins on x- and y-axis for 2d histogram

#options for the escape fraction of HI ionising photons
options.yName    = 'fEscHI'                             #name in the data array
options.ylabel   = r'$f_{\mathrm{esc}}$'                #label of the y-axis
options.yRange   = np.array([0.00011,1.0])              #minimum and maximum of the y-axis
options.yScale   = 'log'                                #scale of the y-axis (linear or log)
options.yPos     = np.array( [0.4, 0.4, 0.4, 0.4 ])     #position of the string with the redshift


#options for the column density close the source
options.xName    = 'nH_10'                               #name in the data array
options.xlabel   = r'$N_{\mathrm{H}}^{(r < 10 \, \mathrm{pc})} [\mathrm{cm}^{-2}]$' #label of the x-axis
options.xRange   = np.array([3.e16,4e25])                #minimum and maximum of the x-axis
options.xScale   = 'log'                                 #scale of the x-axis (linear or log)
options.xPos     = np.array([4.e23,4.e23,7.e23,1.5e24])   #position of the string with the redshift

options.r_S    = 10.                            #Stromgren radius
options.NH_r_S = 1.33e21                        #column density where r_S = 10 pc for < 5 Myr old stars

#                                Plotting helper functions                               #
    Empty class to be filled with line styles
class LineStyles:
line_styles = LineStyles()

line_styles.dash_dot = [3,4,7,4]
line_styles.dot      = [3,4,3,4]
line_styles.dash     = [7,4,7,4]

    Function: set_line_style

    Purpose: converts string to line style from the LineStyles class
             (only in case the string matches a line style in the class)
             and assigns linestyle to the line2D object
    Params: line: line2D object to style
            lineStyle: string containing line style
    Programmer:    Jan-Pieter Paardekooper
    Creation:      Jun 05, 2014
    Last modified: Nov 05, 2014

def set_line_style( line, lineStyle ):
    if( lineStyle == 'dot' ):
        line[0].set_dashes( line_styles.dot )
    elif( lineStyle == 'dash' ):
        line[0].set_dashes( line_styles.dash )
    elif( lineStyle == 'dashDot' ):
        line[0].set_dashes( line_styles.dash_dot )
    elif( lineStyle == 'dashed' ):
        line[0].set_dashes( line_styles.dash )
    elif( lineStyle == 'dashedDotted' ):
        line[0].set_dashes( line_styles.dash_dot )

    Empty class to be filled with colors

    colors taken from:
class Colors:

colors = Colors()

colors.darkred    = 127.5/255., 0./255.  , 0./255.
colors.red        = 237./255. , 28./255. , 36./255.
colors.orange     = 241./255. , 140./255., 34./255.
colors.yellow     = 255./255. , 222./255., 23./255.
colors.lightgreen = 173./255. , 209./255., 54./255.
colors.darkgreen  = 8./255.   , 135./255., 67./255.
colors.lightblue  = 71./255.  , 195./255., 211./255.
colors.darkblue   = 33./255.  , 64./255. , 154./255.
colors.purple     = 150./255. , 100./255., 155./255.
colors.pink       = 238./255. , 132./255., 181./255.

    Function: convert_string_to_color

    Purpose: converts string to color from the Colors class
             only in case the string matches a color in the class

    Params: color: string containing color

    Programmer:    Jan-Pieter Paardekooper
    Creation:      Jun 05, 2014
    Last modified: Nov 05, 2014

def convert_string_to_color( color ):

    #use own colors in these cases
    if(color == 'darkred'):
        return colors.darkred
    elif(color == 'red'):
        return colors.red
    elif(color == 'orange'):
        return colors.orange
    elif(color == 'yellow'):
        return colors.yellow
        return colors.darkgreen
    elif(color == 'lightgreen'):
        return colors.lightgreen
    elif(color == 'darkgreen'):
        return colors.darkgreen
    elif(color == 'blue'):
        return colors.darkblue
    elif(color == 'lightblue'):
        return colors.lightblue
    elif(color == 'darkblue'):
        return colors.darkblue
        return colors.purple
        return colors.pink

    return color

    Function: plot_line

    Purpose: plots the data as line 
    Params: ax         : axis object
            data       : 2d array containing x- and y-values
            color      : string with color name to plot
            linewidth  : line width of the line
            linestyle  : string with line style
            label      : label of the plot
            alpha      : alpha parameter of line
            zorder     : zorder parameter of the line
    Programmer:    Jan-Pieter Paardekooper
    Creation:      Jun 04, 2014
    Last modified: Dec 03, 2014

def plot_line(ax,data,color='black',linewidth=3,linestyle='',label='', alpha=1, zorder=2):
    color = convert_string_to_color( color )
    line = ax.plot( data[0], data[1], color=color, linewidth=linewidth, zorder=zorder, label=label, alpha=alpha)

    set_line_style( line, linestyle )

    Function: plot_error_bar

    Purpose: plots the error bars on the data
    Params: ax         : axis object
            data       : 2d array containing x- and y-values
            color      : string with color name to plot
            label      : label of the plot
            doShading  : if True, plot error as shading instead
                         of error bars
            zorder     : zorder of the plot
            linestyle  : linestyle of the line
    Programmer:    Jan-Pieter Paardekooper
    Creation:      Jun 05, 2014
    Last modified: Mar 04, 2015

def plot_error_bar(ax,data,yRange,color='black',label='',doShading=False, zorder=2, linestyle=''):
    color = convert_string_to_color( color )
    #prevent y-errors below minimum:
    ylower = np.maximum(yRange[0], data[1] - data[2])
    yerr_lower = data[1] - ylower
    #prevent y-errors above maximum
    yupper = np.minimum(yRange[1], data[1] + data[2])
    yerr_upper = yupper - data[1]
    if( doShading ):
        ax.fill_between(data[0], ylower, yupper, facecolor=color, interpolate=False, alpha=0.7, edgecolor='none',zorder=zorder)
        #zorder higher than line makes sure the errorbars are visible on top of the points
        line = ax.errorbar(data[0],data[1],yerr=[yerr_lower,yerr_upper], color=color, ecolor=color, elinewidth=3,zorder=zorder,linestyle="None")

    Function: compute_bins

    Purpose: returns the bin edges and bin values given a number
             of bins and the range of the data, either linearly 
             or logarithmically spaced
    Params: nBins    : number of bins
            dataRange: minimum and maximum bin
            doLog    : if True, logaritmically spaced bins are returned
    Programmer:    Jan-Pieter Paardekooper
    Creation:      Jun 05, 2014
    Last modified: Jun 05, 2014

def compute_bins(nBins, dataRange, doLog=False):

    if( doLog ):
        dataRange = np.log10(dataRange)
    #size of the bins
    binSize = (dataRange[1] - dataRange[0])/float(nBins)

    #edges of the bins
    binEdges = np.zeros( nBins + 1 )

    for i in range(0,nBins+1):
        binEdges[i] = dataRange[0] + i*binSize

    if( doLog ):
        binEdges = 10**binEdges

    #central values of the bins
    binValues = np.zeros( nBins )
    for i in range(0,nBins):
            binValues[i] = 10**( 0.5 * (np.log10( binEdges[i] ) +\
                                        np.log10( binEdges[i+1] ) ) )
            binValues[i] = 0.5 * ( binEdges[i] + binEdges[i+1] )
    return binEdges, binValues

    Function: compute_mean

    Purpose: computes the mean of the data in bins and the error bar (stdv)
    Params: data       : 2d array containing x- and y-values
            xRange     : range of x-axis
            nBins      : number of bins on x-axis
            logData    : True if quantity is plotted in log             
    Programmer:    Jan-Pieter Paardekooper
    Creation:      Jun 05, 2014
    Last modified: Jun 05, 2014

def compute_mean( data, xRange, nBins=10, logData=np.array([False,False]) ):
    #compute the bins on the x-axis
    binEdges, xValues = compute_bins(nBins,xRange,logData[0])
    #indices of the x-data in every bin
    indices = np.digitize( data[0], binEdges )

    yValues = np.zeros( nBins )
    yStd    = np.zeros( nBins )
    for i in range(0,nBins):
        #get indices of this bin
        currentIndex = np.where(indices == i+1)[0]
        #y-values in current bin
        yBinned = data[1][currentIndex]
        #get mean if there are values
        if(np.size(yBinned) > 0):
            yValues[i] = np.mean(yBinned)
            yStd[i] = np.std(yBinned)

    return xValues, yValues, yStd

    Function: plot_mean

    Purpose: plots the mean of the data in bins and the error bar (stdv)
    Params: ax                : axis object
            data              : 2d array containing x- and y-values
            xRange            : range of x-axis
            yRange            : range of y-axis
            nBins             : number of bins on x-axis
            logData           : True if quantity is plotted in log             
            linestyle         : line style of the line
            color             : color of the line
            label             : label of the line
            do_plot_error_bars: if True plot error bars
            zorder            : zorder of the line
    Programmer:    Jan-Pieter Paardekooper
    Creation:      Jun 04, 2014
    Last modified: Dec 03, 2014

def plot_mean(ax, data, xRange, yRange, nBins, logData=np.array([False,False]),\
              linestyle='',color='black',label='',do_plot_error_bars=True,zorder=2 ):
    xValues, yValues, yStd = compute_mean( data, xRange, nBins, logData )
    #only plot where the mean is bigger than zero, i.e. where we have data
    mask = yValues > 0.
    plotData = np.array([ xValues[mask], yValues[mask], yStd[mask] ])

    Function: plot_histogram_1d

    Purpose: plots the 1d histogram of data
    Params: ax       : axis object
            data     : 1d numpy array with data to plot
            dataRange: 2d numpy array with minimum and maximum of the data    
            nBins    : number of bins of the data
            color    : string with color
            doPlotLog: plot data in log-scale
            normed   : if True, normalise, otherwise true counts are displayed
            alpha    : alpha parameter of plot
    Programmer:    Jan-Pieter Paardekooper
    Creation:      Jun 09, 2014
    Last modified: Sep 05, 2014
def plot_histogram_1d(ax,data,dataRange,nBins=10,color='black',doPlotLog=False,normed=False,alpha=1.0):
    if( doPlotLog ):
        data = np.log10(data)
        dataRange = np.log10(dataRange)
    color = convert_string_to_color(color)
    n, bins, patches = ax.hist(data, nBins, range=(dataRange[0],dataRange[1]), \
                               normed=normed, facecolor=color, alpha=alpha)

    Class to list the collections of the plot and return
    the ones that can be rasterized
    This is necessary since contourf does not support rasterization
    See: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12583970/matplotlib-contour-plots-as-postscript

    Creation:      Jun 23, 2014
    Last modified: Jun 23, 2014

class ListCollection(Collection):
     def __init__(self, collections, **kwargs):
         Collection.__init__(self, **kwargs)

     def set_collections(self, collections):
         self._collections = collections

     def get_collections(self):
         return self._collections

     def draw(self, renderer):
         for _c in self._collections:

    Function: rasterise_contour_plot

    Purpose: rasterises the contour plot by removing all PathCollection
             instances and inserting the new rasterised collection
    Params: c: contour                                   
    Programmer:    Jan-Pieter Paardekooper
    Creation:      Jun 23, 2014
    Last modified: Jun 23, 2014

def rasterise_contour_plot(c):
    #the collections to rasterise
    collections = c.collections
    for _c in collections:
    cc = ListCollection(collections, rasterized=True)
    ax = pyplot.gca()
    return cc
    Function: compute_hist_2d_constrained

    Purpose: returns the x-values in bins, the y-values in bins and 
             the constrained 2d histogram
    Params: data         : 2d array containing x- and y-values
            xRange       : range of x-axis
            yRange       : range of y-axis
            nBins        : number of bins in each direction
            logData      : np array of size 3:
                           (x,y,histogram values)
                           True if quantity is plotted in log                                         
    Programmer:    Jan-Pieter Paardekooper
    Creation:      Jun 06, 2014
    Last modified: Jun 06, 2014

def compute_hist_2d_contrained(data,xRange,yRange,nBins=10,logData=np.array([False,False,False])):
    #compute the bins on the x-axis and y-axis
    xBins, xInBins = compute_bins(nBins, xRange, logData[0])
    yBins, yInBins = compute_bins(nBins, yRange, logData[1])
    #indices of the haloes in every bin
    indices = np.digitize( data[0], xBins )
    hist2d = np.zeros([nBins,nBins])
    #compute the histogram in every bin
    for i in range(0,nBins):
        #get current index
        currentIndex = np.where(indices == i+1)[0]
        #y-values in current bin
        yBinned = data[1][currentIndex].copy()
        if(np.size(yBinned) > 0):
            hist, bin_edges = np.histogram(yBinned,density=False,bins=yBins)
            hist_norm = np.cast['float'](hist) / np.cast['float'](np.size(yBinned))
            hist2d[i] = hist_norm   
    return xInBins, yInBins, hist2d

    Function: plot_hist_2d

    Purpose: plots the 2d (constrained) histogram
    Params: ax           : axis object
            data         : 2d array containing x- and y-values
            xRange       : range of x-axis
            yRange       : range of y-axis
            nBins        : number of bins in each direction
            logData      : np array of size 3:
                           (x,y,histogram values)
                           True if quantity is plotted in log                                         
            levelRange   : range of levels to plot
    Programmer:    Jan-Pieter Paardekooper
    Creation:      Jun 04, 2014
    Last modified: Sep 05, 2014

def plot_hist_2d( ax, data, xRange, yRange, nBins=10, \
                  logData=np.array([False,False,False]), \
                  levelRange=np.array([1.e-3,1.]) ):

    xValues, yValues, hist2d = compute_hist_2d_contrained(data,xRange,yRange,nBins,logData)

    if( logData[0] == True):
        xValues = np.log10(xValues)
    if( logData[1] == True ):
        yValues = np.log10(yValues)
    X, Y = np.meshgrid(xValues, yValues)

    #levels to plot, logarithmic or linear
    if( logData[2] == True ):

        levels = np.linspace( np.log10(levelRange[0]),np.log10(levelRange[1]),100)
        zeroLevel = np.log10(levelRange[0]) - 1.

        #take the log of the non-zero values and 
        #set the zero values outside the plotting range
        tmpHist = np.ma.log10(hist2d)
        tmpHist = tmpHist.filled( zeroLevel )
        hist2d = tmpHist
        levels = np.linspace(levelRange[0],levelRange[1],100)
        zeroLevel = levelRange[0] - 1.
    #make sure to plot the maximum values
    mask = hist2d > levelRange[1]
    hist2d[mask] = levelRange[1]
    color_map = sns.cubehelix_palette(start=0.5,rot=-1.5, as_cmap=True)
    #color_map = 'cubehelix'
    CS = ax.contourf(X, Y, hist2d.T, levels=levels, zorder=1, cmap=color_map)

    return CS

#                                Generating the figure                                   #

    Function: set_plot_properties

    Purpose: set the properties of the plots (axis range, labels etc)
    Params: ax       : axis object of the plot
            plotIndex: index of the plot
                       0: empty axes but scaling as plotIndex 1
                       1: all properties are set for this plot
                       2: empty axes
            colIndex : column index of the subplot 
            rowIndex : row index of the subplot 
    Programmer:    Jan-Pieter Paardekooper
    Creation:      Jul 14, 2014
    Last modified: Sep 10, 2014

def set_plot_properties( ax, plotIndex, colIndex=0, rowIndex=0 ):
    if( plotIndex == 0 ):
        #set limit on axes
        if( options.yScale == 'log'):
        if( options.xScale == 'log'):

        #hide all ticks and labels
        pyplot.setp(ax.get_yticklabels(), visible=False)
        pyplot.setp(ax.get_xticklabels(), visible=False)
    elif( plotIndex == 1):
        #set axis scale
        #set limit on yscale
        #set limit on x-scale
        #set the y-label and the string with the redshift
        if ( colIndex == 0 ):    
            ax.set_ylabel(options.ylabel, fontsize=30, family='serif')
            pyplot.setp(ax.get_yticklabels(), visible=False)
        #set the x-label
        if( rowIndex == 2 ):
            ax.set_xlabel(options.xlabel, fontsize=26, family='serif')  
            pyplot.setp(ax.get_xticklabels(), visible=False)

        #make the numbers on the axes bigger
        ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=22)
        ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=22)

        #makes the y-axis ticks look nice, like 0.01 0.1 1.0
        formatter = FormatStrFormatter('%g')
        ax.yaxis.set_major_formatter( formatter )
        if( options.yScale == 'linear' ):
            minorLocator = MultipleLocator(0.1)
        #make the labels on the x-axis less cluttered
        i = 0
        for label in ax.get_xticklabels():
            if((i+1)%2 == 0):
        #plot the string with the redshifts
        pyplot.text(options.xPos[colIndex], options.yPos[colIndex], options.redshiftStrings[colIndex], fontsize=26)
    elif( plotIndex == 2 ):
        if( options.xScale == 'log'):

        #hide all ticks and labels
        pyplot.setp(ax.get_yticklabels(), visible=False)
        pyplot.setp(ax.get_xticklabels(), visible=False)


    Function: plot_fEsc_NH

    Purpose: plot escape fraction as function of column density 
             within 10 pc of the sources
    Programmer:    Jan-Pieter Paardekooper
    Creation:      Jul 11, 2014
    Last modified: Apr 13, 2015
def plot_fEsc_NH():

    sns.set_style("ticks",{'axes.grid': True})

    #determine if we are plotting in log: x,y,and z
    logData = np.array([False,False,False])
    if( options.xScale == 'log' ):
        logData[0] = True
    if( options.yScale == 'log' ):
        logData[1] = True

    #always plot the log of the data
    logData[2] = True

    #array containing the column density at which the Stromgren sphere 
    # is 10 pc
    r_S_data = np.array([[options.NH_r_S, options.NH_r_S],options.yRange] )

    #create figure with right size
    fig = pyplot.figure(figsize=(28,17),dpi=300)
    left_margin   = 0.06
    bottom_margin = 0.07
    right_margin = 0.047
    top_margin    = 0.01
    #main plot window position
    main_left   = left_margin
    main_bottom = bottom_margin
    main_width  = 0.25*(1.-left_margin-right_margin)
    main_heigth = (1.-bottom_margin-top_margin)/(3.25)
    #histogram position
    hist_left   = main_left
    hist_bottom = main_bottom+3*main_heigth
    hist_width  = main_width
    hist_heigth = 0.25*main_heigth

    NH_min = np.array([1.e32,1.e32,1.e32])
    NH_max = np.array([0.0,0.0,0.0])
    #loop over redshift bins
    for i in range(0,4):
        data = Table.read('data_00'+str(i)+'.dat',format='ascii')

        #some haloes may not have data
        mask = data[options.xName] > -1
        data = data[mask]

        plotData = np.array([ data[options.xName], data[options.yName] ])
        mask_active = data['ageStarMin'] <= 5.
        mask_passive = data['ageStarMin'] > 5.
        plotData_active = np.array([ data[options.xName][mask_active], data[options.yName][mask_active] ])
        plotData_passive = np.array([ data[options.xName][mask_passive], data[options.yName][mask_passive] ])
        NH_min[0] = np.amin( np.array([ NH_min[0], np.amin(plotData[0]) ]) ) 
        NH_max[0] = np.amax( np.array([ NH_max[0], np.amax(plotData[0]) ]) ) 

        NH_min[1] = np.amin( np.array([ NH_min[1], np.amin(plotData_active[0]) ]) ) 
        NH_max[1] = np.amax( np.array([ NH_max[1], np.amax(plotData_active[0]) ]) ) 

        NH_min[2] = np.amin( np.array([ NH_min[2], np.amin(plotData_passive[0]) ]) ) 
        NH_max[2] = np.amax( np.array([ NH_max[2], np.amax(plotData_passive[0]) ]) ) 

        ax2 = pyplot.axes((hist_left+i*hist_width, hist_bottom, hist_width, hist_heigth))
        ax0 = pyplot.axes((main_left+i*main_width, main_bottom+2*main_heigth, main_width, main_heigth))
        ax1 = pyplot.axes((main_left+i*main_width, main_bottom+2*main_heigth, main_width, main_heigth),frameon=False)

        #This is only for the histogram
        mask_zero_y = plotData[1] < options.yRange[0]
        plotData[1][mask_zero_y] = options.yRange[0]
        #levelRange = np.array([1.e-9,1.e-5])
        levelRange = np.array([1.e-3,1.])
        CS = plot_hist_2d( ax0, plotData, options.xRange, options.yRange, \
                           options.nBinsHist, logData, levelRange )

        #plot the Stromgren sphere
        plot_line(ax1,r_S_data, linestyle='dash', linewidth=4)              
        #set plot properties

        ax0 = pyplot.axes((main_left+i*main_width, main_bottom+main_heigth, main_width, main_heigth))
        ax1 = pyplot.axes((main_left+i*main_width, main_bottom+main_heigth, main_width, main_heigth),frameon=False)
        #This is only for the histogram
        mask_zero_y = plotData_active[1] < options.yRange[0]
        plotData_active[1][mask_zero_y] = options.yRange[0]
        levelRange = np.array([1.e-3,1.])
        plot_hist_2d( ax0, plotData_active, options.xRange, options.yRange, \
                           options.nBinsHist, logData, levelRange)

        #plot the Stromgren sphere
        plot_line(ax1,r_S_data, linestyle='dash', linewidth=4)

        ax0 = pyplot.axes((main_left+i*main_width, main_bottom, main_width, main_heigth))
        ax1 = pyplot.axes((main_left+i*main_width, main_bottom, main_width, main_heigth),frameon=False)

        #plot.plot_points( ax1, plotData )
        #This is only for the histogram
        mask_zero_y = plotData_passive[1] < options.yRange[0]
        plotData_passive[1][mask_zero_y] = options.yRange[0]
        #levelRange = np.array([1.e-9,1.e-5])
        levelRange = np.array([1.e-3,1.])
        plot_hist_2d( ax0, plotData_passive, options.xRange, options.yRange, \
                                options.nBinsHist, logData, levelRange )

        #plot the Stromgren sphere
        plot_line(ax1,r_S_data, linestyle='dash', linewidth=4)
        #set plot properties
        #plot the color bar  
        if( i==3 ):
            #left, bottom, width height
            cbaxes = fig.add_axes([main_left+(i+1)*main_width, main_bottom, 0.01, main_heigth])            
            cb = pyplot.colorbar(CS, cax = cbaxes, orientation='vertical', \
                                 ticks=[-3,-2,-1,0] )
            cb.ax.set_yticklabels(['0.001', '0.01', '0.1', '1.'])
            #get rid of the white lines in the color bar


if __name__=='__main__':

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