4.1 A Planetary Nebula

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4.1 A Planetary Nebula

Modelling the emission line spectrum from a planetary nebula is often thought to be a relatively straightforward exercise, in that there is but one source of ionizing radiation, and the gas distribution is often fairly simple. Hyung, Aller, and Feibelman (1994, hereafter HAF) published a very thorough analysis of the young planetary nebula IC 418, which has a relatively simple ionization structure. Using a combination of IUE and ground-based echelle data, they inferred a rough physical and ionization structure from a dozen traditional diagnostic line ratios, which they used as a guide to construct a more complete photoionization model. We used the same data as HAF and constructed a nebular diagnostic diagram using the ntplot task, the output for which is shown in the upper portion of Figure 4 . This diagram is similar to that of HAF, but not identical, in that we include the [O I] and C III] diagnostic curves (HAF used C III] but did not plot it). There are also shifts of the [N II] and [S II] temperature and density curves, owing to our use of different (and in the case of [S II], more recent) atomic cross sections for these ions.

HAF noted that the nebular (i.e., density-sensitive) line ratios of [S II] and [O II] do not give results in accord with those indicated by the auroral/nebular (i.e., temperature-sensitive) line ratios. (Nor do they agree with that inferred from other ions.) They attributed these discrepancies to a genuine physical effect: namely, that the ions of C III], N III, [O III], [Cl III], and [Ar III] are formed in strata where T K and N cm. The [S II] lines, they argued, are emitted in regions where H is partly neutral, and the density is cm.

The shift in the [S II] curves that came from using more recent atomic cross-sections (Cai and Pradhan 1993) removed some of the discrepancy noted by HAF in the T and N as inferred from [S II] vs. other ions. Still we found the disagreement between the [S II] and [O II] temperature dignostics to be curious, especially since the trend of inferred T with ionization potential for the other ions did not follow a simple relation. We noted that HAF used a significantly lower value for the extinction constant, , than that derived by most other observers: Cahn, Kaler, and Stanghellini (1992) quote an average of . (This higher extinction value also brings HAF's observed H/H ratio closer to the expected value of 2.85 for N= and T =.) When we used that higher extinction value and replotted the results (which only involved changing the value of one number in our input table), the T diagnostics agreed to better than 500 K, except for [S III] which HAF note is seriously affected by atmospheric water vapor. The density diagnostics also agreed to within about 10%, except for that of [S II], which is still % lower than the average suggested from the other ions. While this effect could be real (S II has the lowest ionization potential of the relevant N diagnostics, after all), we note that the ratio of is consistent with N = 10,000 cm within the quoted errors. Given the quoted uncertainties in the HAF data, the excellent agreement among many diagnostics that span a large range in ionization potential, and our preference for simple models in the absence of direct evidence to the contrary, we adopt N = 10,500 cm and T = 9700 K for all ions in our abundance analysis.

We compare in Table 8 the ionic abundances from HAF (their Table 6) to those we derived with the nebular package. Actually, we offer two comparisons: the column labelled ``ionic'' shows the abundances calculated with the ionic task, using the same N, T, and extinction constant used by HAF. Most of the values agree to within %, as would be expected since the methods are essentially the same, and the atomic data are mostly drawn from the same sources. Note, however, that the [O I] abundance differs by %, which is harder to understand even if the atomic cross sections were different. The differences in the abundances are somewhat larger for values in the ``abund'' column, which were derived with the abund task using the higher value for the extinction constant, and the constant values of N and T adopted above. Clearly the derived ionic abundances are quite dependent upon the inferred physical model (i.e., the variation of N and T within the nebula). The major point of this exercise was to demonstrate that the nebular package will give essentially the same result as other published analyses, given the same input data, but that it is much easier to infer a viable physical model (at least to first order) using the utilities presented here.

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Rocio Katsanis
Thu Aug 8 17:23:06 EDT 1996