Package pydrizzle :: Module drutil
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[frames] | no frames]

Module drutil

source code

Utility functions for PyDrizzle that rely on PyRAF's interface to IRAF tasks.

Functions [hide private]
Compute a factorial for integer n.
source code
combin(j, n)
Return the combinatorial factor for j in n.
source code
findNumExt(filename) source code
getLTVOffsets(rootname, header=None) source code
getChipId(header) source code
getIDCFile(image, keyword=None, directory=None) source code
__buildIDCTAB(header, directory, kw=None) source code
__getIDCTAB(header) source code
Open ASCII IDCFILE to determine the type: cubic,trauger,...
source code
readCubicTable(idcfile) source code
_MgF2(lam) source code
readTraugerTable(idcfile, wavelength) source code
rotateCubic(fxy, theta) source code
rotatePos(pos, theta, offset=None, scale=None) source code
getRange(members, ref_wcs, verbose=None) source code
Determine the range spanned by an array of pixel positions.
source code
convertWCS(inwcs, drizwcs)
Copy WCSObject WCS into Drizzle compatible array.
source code
updateWCS(drizwcs, inwcs)
Copy output WCS array from Drizzle into WCSObject.
source code
wcsfit(img_geom, ref)
Perform a linear fit between 2 WCS for shift, rotation and scale.
source code
fitlin(imgarr, refarr)
Compute the least-squares fit between two arrays.
source code
getRotatedSize(corners, angle)
Determine the size of a rotated (meta)image.
source code
Variables [hide private]
  no = False
  yes = True
  IDCTAB = 1
  DEFAULT_IDCDIR = os.getcwd()

Imports: string, os, types, ceil, floor, N, linalg, fileutil, buildRotMatrix

Function Details [hide private]

wcsfit(img_geom, ref)

source code 

Perform a linear fit between 2 WCS for shift, rotation and scale.
Based on 'WCSLIN' from 'drutil.f'(Drizzle V2.9) and modified to
allow for differences in reference positions assumed by PyDrizzle's
distortion model and the coeffs used by 'drizzle'.

    img      - ObsGeometry instance for input image
    ref_wcs  - Undistorted WCSObject instance for output frame

fitlin(imgarr, refarr)

source code 

Compute the least-squares fit between two arrays. A Python translation of 'FITLIN' from 'drutil.f' (Drizzle V2.9).